Shirt: Equipment, Sweater: Aqua, Prism Ring: Posh Locket, Skirt: Forever 21, Necklace: Loft, Nail Polish: OPI's Don't Pretzel My Buttons, Purse: ShoeMint, Glitter Heels: Pink and Pepper
This weekend while putting up the tree at my parents house, I Instagramed this picture, and unknowingly started a fury of baby buzz. Within minutes I had a dozen emails and several missed calls all wondering the same thing... Was I pregnant? It's a tradition in my family that my siblings and I always place our glass baby shoes on the Christmas tree before any other ornaments. We usually wait until the day after Thanksgiving, but with all the baking and holiday music, I was too far into the Christmas spirit to wait any longer. After squashing the baby theory (it's going to be a few years) I've officially learned my lesson... as a newlywed I need to be much more specific when posting pictures involving anything baby related! Whoopsie. Have you guys ever had any social media mix ups?

Last night at the AMA's my favorite color, purple, was all over the red carpet. Country cutie Carrie Underwood looked perfect in a gorgeous lace purple gown, while Christina Aguilera looked like the button got jammed in her spray tan booth. Her Pamela Roland gown and platinum blonde bob was my least favorite of the night. Who were your best and worst from last nights AMA's?