So here's the thing... I'm sorta completely and utterly addicted to pretty much every species on the planet. With the right pose and Pinterest caption, even a piranha can look down right adorable. While the hubby flips between Fox and ESPN, I'm consistently glued to Animal Planet. It's the guilty pleasure I feel zero guilt indulging in. Plus, did I mention we're going to Africa in March? I'm dying! I've been planning it for months. From giraffes to monkeys, my mission is clear... bring home every baby animal Africa has to offer... and work out the details later. :)
Despite my love for furry animals, before entering the blogging world I was too terrified to ever wear anything animal print. Intimated by its bold eye catching allure, I simply pushed the print aside as "not me." It wasn't until a few months into Fash Boulevard that I became determined to find a way to incorporate the fall staple into my wardrobe. It started with a scarf and spread like wildfire. These days I'm wildly obsessed with all things animal inspired and with Africa on the mind, I figured a little dedicated post was only fitting.

Visit my Little Bow Details post to witness my growing collection of anything donning a bow!